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Soaring plummet
Friday, 28 November 2014 | 1:37 pm | 0 comments
Someone should send my cousin to world strictest parents and get her into reboot camp. Not sure if i should call her my cousin anymore since she severed ties with us all, but yet she still stays over at MY grandparents house? Psh, like what on earth does she have gotta do with us. Enough about her, since this is moi blog. SPOTLIGHT PLS.

HELLO EVERYBODYYYY, that para was just something i needed to get off my chest. Have an interview again for amk hub's cotton on on exactly an hour and i cannot let anything affect my mood. Needa compartmentalise and be impartial yeah. Is that the appropriate word? I don't know. Pardon it if it isn't. 

I thought yesterday's cotton on interview at nex went rather well. Not sure if i'll get accepted though, had 2 other applicants at the same time slot as me, and there was this question regarding like what do you think is great customer service, and i totally flustered, like, i had the answer in my mind, i know it! But i couldn't get it out! Ugh

And also, attire. Supposed to wear neat & casual, i wore formal wear. Kind of i guess. More of semi-formal. Way to stand out huh. The interviewer was really nice and i was kinda glad i had a blogshop once to more or less give me a tiny bit of customer service experience although it was virtually, still had meetups though, think that doesn't really counts.

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