congrats on your face
Saturday, 28 February 2015 | 3:19 am | 0 comments
Balabing Balaboom, I just realised that the macbook pro that my dad bought for me has too little memory space and that it cannot be used for school as 250GB is needed just to partition windows & apple and that even with 250GB, it will not necessary be enough. Ugh, what do I do? I have to lug my sony vaio laptop to school everyday? It's SUPER heavy, 15 inches cmon. The battery isn't even all that new and powerful anymore, but it's windows, in case you haven't heard, windows software drastically degrades itself after 2-3 years of usage, almost at that point now.
Yknow, I said that I wanted to read and get all my vocab back, ugh, it so hasn't been happening, I bet you could tell just from reading this post. Otherwise it would be filled with big words already. I'm so distracted by pretty little liars, currently at s2 ep 21. I want me Caleb Rivers so much, he really has got Hanna's back. Sigh <3 The way he copied hanna and told kate how the dress gives her back fat and after how he rebutted Jenna, he almost nearly quoted hanna by doing a brief intro. Ah psh, what's not to like?? But personally, Jason Dilaurentis is the hottest guy in the show. Toby has way too much issues for me to handle. Spencer is cool though, but oh wow, Melissa. Definite nono., i'm homophobic, no hate. Aria is just not me, yup. So hanna, yay.
Back to the laptop problem, i don't even know what my school is gonna do with it yknow, like what's there to configure? Isn't a laptop there simply for taking notes, doing assignments and projects and for presentation? What's there to configure? What are you gonna do? Install a stalking device and gps or stuff that bans you from going to other websites during lesson? Like cmon, what?? Explanation would be nice and good other than just commanding all year 1 students to bring their laptop to the library it helpdesk and asking them to have their laptops configured before the commencement of the semester.
Oh, and I went back with a friend to explore the school grounds just now. How awkward it is, being soon to be students mixing with current students. (OH BTW, i'm never ever walking to or back from school, the journey seems like a marathon and i'll die from the heat midway)
Literally no kidding when people say that rp is the smallest campus among all the polys in sg. Np and Sp needs a shuttle bus to get from one place to another, you can finish touring rp in 10mins, it's literally a circle, you'll be back at square one. Oh, and I saw the sports complex, wow, no trees or shade at all, damn, i'm gonna get so tanned if I were to ever join tennis, is it worth it?? Needa weigh the pros and cons I suppose. Ah, I really don't know what to do.
Oh, today is the last day of feburary. Well well, time really does fly, i signed on as a permanent part time staff at my job today, hope it's a right decision. I kinda wanted to find a new job, like those at yami yogurt, oh and I missed my lovisa's interview yesterday because WORK, why cant they hold it at amk, they just had to hold it at bugis, had to give it a miss, no choice. Turns out, I hate wearing jeggings. Bought a pair yesterday and boy do they suffocate my skin. My mom says I have to tone my butt and that I sit way too much, ugh. Please, I really needa join a sports cca or my life is screwed. I even wanna join the student council just because it looks good on my uni application next time. I'm interested in astronomy, archery and taekwondo too aside from tennis. Wakeboarding & volleyball is under consideration but I can't swim and I'm afraid of balls hitting my face. (ohgosh that sounded obscene!!)
Before school starts, I tend to set too many goals and expectations for myself only to be lazy and turn out not accomplishing them, wanted to say unaccomplishing them but realised there ain't no such word! WHAT IS LIFE. I really want to go to curtin university at perth and get a degree under commerce/international business. But if i'm being brutally honest, all I want is to work at some wildlife sanctuary as a conservationist or a wildlife biologist with a degree in zoology/wildlife biology, I'm content with just that. Plus an apartment at Gold Coast of course, preferably at surfer's paradise along esplanade street, but near any beach would do. :)