Prized intentions
Friday, 3 April 2015 | 3:12 am | 0 comments

So my batch has a terrible reputation already thanks to the other freshmen asking atrociously stupid questions on twitter on the confession page, annoying the existing students a great lot. C'mon man, can't you guys be like me and email the school instead. There's a enquiry page for a reason.
Oh, btw, my new colleague is in the same school and faculty as I am! Woohoo! New friend from School Of Hospitality (SOH). Also, we have to wear formal attire on formal days, I guess to stimulate working life experience, etc and what not. But I get to wear my mom's blazer which she bought 2 christmas ago but never ever wore it, the tag is still on. It's from H&M and it costed $100. Talk about $$$. So yay. I look good in it ;)
I haven't gave up on my dream on working in animal related industries though, like zoology/wildlife biology, etc. But with where I am now, I have to bear with this first which to be honest, isn't bad at all. I might get a chance to intern with RWS or WRS during my final year. Wow, I'm not sure what I'll choose. RWS gives me a chance to immerse myself in the resort/tourist field, etc and stuff. WRS, ANIMALS!! But I don't think they really have much events at all. I'm in events management btw for those that don't know.
Every single air conditioner in my house are spoilt today, ugh, no aircon for Joey. Oh well, guess it would be a good chance for my flu to recover. Can't resist the temptation of aircon and just turn it on everynight despite my nose.

I bought Harvest Moon too! Like 2 weeks ago I think, and I got a tokyo ghoul casing. I still despise anime, don't get me wrong. I just like tokyo ghoul and I HOPE that this will be the one and only anime I ever watch. I don't consider pokemon/the last airbender and spirted away to be anime ok, because ENGLISH. Don't change my mindset. (I REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE MY CASING SO MUCH)
Also, Singapore's first Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew passed on on 23rd March 2015, and thought that he deserves respect and shall dedicate this short paragraph to him. Thank you for building and cultivating Singapore to what a glorious country it is today. Your legacy will live on forever in the hearts of all Singaporeans. Your sacrifice will not be taken for granted.