School Oh School (S.O.S)
School has started, this is the third day and to be frankly honest. I expected more fun. But it is always like this, expectations brings disappointment and hope brings eternal misery. Lmao, i'm exagerrating + it was a quote from Pretty Little Liars, Spencer.

So, main thing is that day 1 was awesome, my team was praised the best, naturally. LOL, kidding. Okay, second day was kinda boring and we had to do a personality quiz etc, so it was quite alright. Made friends with another Leon. Leon chua this time, lmao. Like 1 leon in my life isn't enough. Another LC somemore. Had CCA fiesta yesterday and i joined so many. Like those of jive, storm, fuze, tennis and student council. There's an interview for the student council though, doubt I'll get in, tons of applicants but only 30 slots. So well, try my luck.
Back to the main point, day 3, we are studying tourism & hospitality and formal wear is needed, for what idk. Thought i'd had more fun, because of stuff from secondary school, being one of the few actually being in pure geography class. WELL, NOPE, NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. I currently am in class and we are having our 10minutes break :)))
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