Thursday, 9 July 2015 | 12:55 pm | 0 comments
Ohmygoodness. I'm so tired beyond words! I slept at 4-5am last night and woke up at 8am because of elearning. Then have been simultaneously watching drama (only 2 eps) and doing rj+ quiz from then till now.
So it's 1pm now and I have to leave home at 3:30pm later in order to reach school by 4:30pm for taekwondo practice. It's gonna end at 8pm+ so I'll reach home between 9pm-10pm. Yipdeedoo.
So by the time I bathe and go on social media and all and it's time to sleep, it'd be around 1am. It takes around 1/2 an hr for me to fall asleep so maybe just maybe near 2am. Then, i gotta wake up at 7am and suffer through school till 3:30pm and THEN attend some briefing till 5pm+. Might drag on, who knows? Blah blah, moving on to saturday, weekends right? Time to rest isn't it?? NO, i have to reach tp for some lame conference talk at 8:30am lasting till 5pm that day. Then sunday, I gotta work. Sigh, then it's mundane monday all over again. Ohlord, i'm so tired!!!!!