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Down and Out
Wednesday 19 August 2015 | 9:21 pm | 0 comments

Feeling so down and out. Should really be studying but I used up all of my attention span for today already. God, i'm so drained. 3 hours of sleep is a major nono. Why did I do this to myself?? The headache is KILLING me.

Omg, my mom bought me a kicking target pad, i'm so happy!! I really wanna put it on snapchat and like show it off to the world because I like it so much but, seniors are so gonna judge. Like I know I shouldn't care and I don't exactly do, but, it's not like i'm even THAT good at kicking so, it's kinda weird. Like, i'd so judge someone if someone did that, so yea.

Was supposed to go to USS today but apparently, mr irritating had to cancel to comfort someone. Whatevz. Was initially kinda like wtf and annoyed but thank god!!! THE WEATHER TODAY WAS OUT TO MURDER, like I swear the sun has an agenda on SG. Stayed at home where it was blissfully cool in my cave of a room. Lmao.

It's weird like, if I were to sleep at 12am, I can stay asleep till 9am. That's 9 hours right? But if I were to sleep now which is 9pm+, i'd wake up at around 1am plus and not be able to sleep till around 4am and i'd so die later because I have to wake up for school at 6:30am. Kill me :))

So shouldn't be saying this kinda things, 7th lunar month and all. But it's just an expression not to be taken literally. Oh spirits pls spare me, i wanna live.

Exams are starting next Friday and ugh, I'm so not in the studying mood. So far I completed revision for 1 module, 4 more to go zz. Shouldn't had gave work schedule this weekend so I can slack or something but oh well, not work next week then.

Really want to go to adventure cove again somehow but don't wanna get tanned. Bless me and my indecisive soul.

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