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About Stuff Affies Wishlist Post

Sunday 2 August 2015 | 2:46 pm | 0 comments
Yay, it's august. July and cancer season are finally over, oh bless the lord. Was so sick of it already. Really, I can't wait for semester break and a new change of classmates.

Just started watching Flower Boy Next Door, like literally just started. At the first ep, 16min mark. Kinda bored of teen wolf already ugh, at s3ep4 for god knows how long already. The Motel California I think.

So, yay, ugh i really want to go uss and like spam cylon ride but whateverrrrr.

Dammit, I think I haven't read in like 8months, my english is dying, I swear, my sec 3-4 self would so judge who I am rn, and this pathetically low standards of vocab. I really wanna pick up reading again, particularly on the Born At Midnight series, one last book to go but I kinda forgot the storyline already, about Derek and Della and Kylie, Lucas and all, gdi.

It's Monday tomorrow again, like un-frickin-believable. How can it be SO SOON. Oh did I mentioned I got a C for my MSA for cognitive. I was devastated af.

I have no idea what to do today, I just woke up like an hour ago and I have 0 plans. Ugh.

Another venue lesson on tues @ art science museum around marina area till 3pm++, not sure if I can make it in time for cca. Like, i really like my cca and i like the people there but omg, warmups are a dread. It's fine but, i'd rather not hahahahahahahahaha, k.

Rambling post actually. The urge to type but not sure where I'm going.

I really need a friend who can like accompany me to Palawan Beach during a full moon and just sit there with me while I literally stare out at the sea enjoying the breeze. WHO CAN DO THAT. Ugh. I swear it sounds like i'm trying to re-create an mv, but i literally sat there for 3 hours staring at the sea once, I would not had left if not for my irritating so called "friends" wanted to leave. Sighz, I need a beach house.

Wait for me gold coast, I swear I'll move there by 25. 8 more years to go. So much for saving $, I spent so much this year. I should just cut up all my debit cards. They make shopping so accessible. Also, ever since I started working, I started shopping abit?? Like ew, I hate shopping :( What's happening to me.

I have yet to complete my pokemon platinum cartridge that I borrowed from yknow who. Ugh, really miss him at times. I've liked him for SO LONG that it's instinct to just drift my thoughts towards him occasionally, but it's all good, it's fading fast. Should really remove the picture from my room, but i love looking at it so much! I'm a freak.

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