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Flamingos and all
Saturday 23 January 2016 | 12:14 am | 0 comments
How long as it been since I last blogged. Ugh, ok, what has happened.

Basically, drama.

Like what isn't? No kidding, I deserve a reality show of my own.

Kk, so yay, it's 2016. Finally turning 18.

FLAMINGOS. Obsessed with them now.

(I really want to eat samyang korean spicy noodles right now but having internal conflict whether to do so or not)

Really gotta go back to reading soon, think i'm gonna start by re-reading Unearthly. Angels and all, how nice.

Okay, got attached on 19 Dec to like the best boyfriend I ever had. God, I sound like those bimbotic lovestruck idiot. But really though, he spoils me so much, love you <3 Meeting his family was the most nerve-wrecking thing I've ever done, I swear. This is also the first relationship that I let my mom know. So yeah, good start. Never thought I liked hearing cheesy stuff, in fact, hated it TONS in the past, but somehow, hearing from him, it makes me all tingly and warm. Great going joey. Hated hugs, holding hands and all too, but now, IT ALL CHANGED. /cries.

Semester 2 is ending soon, how fast. Actually quite comfortable in this class. Ah well, what choice do I have. From next year onwards, I'll be in LTAM, stuck with the same 25 classmates till graduation. Ahwell.

Still convincing myself not to go cook the noodles right now, I think i'm gonna succumb eventually at around 2am, then regret that I didn't just give in at 11pm+ or now.


Yay, it's Saturday tomorrow, or today since it's after midnight. No school, no work, RJ extended till Sunday. Movies + fire noodles. Woohoo. It would be great if my boyfriend can be with me the entire day tomorrow too. Legitly, like nothing more than his company. UNFORTUNATELY, he has to study. I should too but nooooooo, procrastinator = naega.

Ugh, my body aches so much. Not sure why,  maybe because of yesterday's taekwondo training. Bruises on my leg too :( OMG, i have like 3 tiny little pimples on my nose. Uglehhhhh.

Ahahaha, was scrolling through my blog's archive, used to end every post with lyrics, HAHA. HERE GOES AGAIN. (1 time only) <-maybe*

"I promise not to hurt you, I promise not to lie. I promise to befriend you and defend you with my life"

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