Complacency < Humility
Saturday, 10 December 2016 | 6:14 am | 0 comments
So I had my macroeconomics msa paper yesterday. Let's just didn't go so well. I completed the paper about 18mins earlier and went to check for wrong answers. I re-read every question but one. So well, that's 4 marks gone. Also a mcq question that i studied for and even wrote down on my notes, totally didn't ring a bell so i guessed a random answer and it was wrong. Another 1 mark down. Finally, the last question, I knew how to solve it but careless mistake. Sigh. That's 9 marks in total gone out of a 30 mark paper.So much for pulling up my GPA. I'll be lucky to even get a B+ in this scenario. I wanted a A and was so confident for an A.
Okay. No self-pitying. What's done is done. (thats what i keep telling myself but it's not working).
I mean, if i can pull my marketing up from a B during MSA to an A grade overall. I can do the same for this too right?? But my daily grades for marketing were all A. For this, I'm getting Bs every week. Ugh. Please give me a B+ for MSA please please please.
Lost 4 marks in microecons MSA and panicked so bad. Look at me now, lost 9.
I'm mad because it's not that i don't know how to do the questions. I DO. It's just that I was simply careless.
My GPA is current at 3.47 now after a dramatic drop from 3.8 and I have to pull it up. Why on earth did i get so complacent and slack off during yr1sem 2. If not i can have a gradual decrease and graduate with a 3.6 at ease instead of worrying my ass off about not getting As.
I think sub-consciously I was too confident for my paper. I thought I was doing my best but i'm really not.

Maybe it's because I was mean and not humble enough. Regardless whether I meant it or not.
Be humble. HUMILITY.
When will I ever learn.....