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What am I to do?
Thursday 30 June 2016 | 12:38 am | 0 comments

Okay omg, i want to quit my retail job so bad. I'm so sick of it!!! :( I use to love it but i guess overtime my interest for it just faded. It's so mundane! You should never dread going to work am i right? I haven't worked in a month due to exams, competitions, studies and another commitments.

Why do I do this to myself? I can just be like a normal student like all my other friends. Not working. Purely focusing on their social life, studies and hobbies/interests.

I know why. Because i'm a huge and impulsive spender. Also, this job doesn't pay that bad either. Benefits are great as well.

I went for a interview for a job in the tourism industry, but retail as well. Not sure if i want to take it up. It's further away, the hourly wage is lower, benefits compared to my current job is pathetic. Seems really unappealing doesn't it? The only good thing about it is that I like that place. However, I'm afraid that because of the job, eventually I wouldn't like visiting that place anymore. Sigh. Dilemma. Not sure if I can commit either because aside from my diploma, I take an extra class that is held twice a week during evening time, so i'm unable to take night/closing shift. Ugh! I mean, pay and benefits isn't everything am I right? So long as I like the job and the people there. The people there seem nice. I like the place too. But it's far. I'm not sure I can commit to constantly travelling there, it's 40mins via bus from where I live. Also, the pay is lower. I feel like i'll think i'm being shortchanged and that it's not worth my time working there, then eventually, i'll come to hate the job as well.

Even so, I don't think I want to work in the retail anymore, it's so not my thing. I want to try other stuff but in the same place for the tourism sector. Afraid that if I reject their offer for the retail job, they wouldn't accept me in at all. But, if I work there, there is a possibility that I can get there for my internship right? I mean, go there, get connections and find my way in. Since my diploma is tourism related. Ah, what to do. I already went for the interview. I shouldn't had sent my application in at all.

I feel like I should just stay in my current job and just hang it out till my internship in 10 months time or like when year 3 starts. I really do not know what to do. I feel so conflicted. I know the job in the tourism industry is totally not something I can tolerate for long. Why do I feel so tempted to take it up?? I'm clearly aware that i'll simply regret it.

Even getting the absurd idea that I should take up both jobs, get the best of both worlds. In the back of my head, I OBVIOUSLY KNOW that I will ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to handle it. Yet, I want to try. Lord save me please. What is wrong with me. Greedy. Just worried that it'll be an opportunity wasted.

Having time management issues seriously. I want to stay at home, watch my dramas, catch up on my sleep, study when I want to, play with my dogs, go on dates with my boyfriend or just spend time with him. BUT, I want money too ;_;

Please be nice to retail people. Particularly those in apparel-line & during holiday seasons.

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