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What a shitty day
Thursday 14 July 2016 | 4:43 pm | 0 comments
Aren't teachers supposed to be impartial? Like anyone at all in the teaching industry.

How annoying, I feel as though my EOM module facilitator is prejudiced against me.

But of course, she might not be. Benefit of doubt given. However it definitely seems that way. Initially she seemed like a cool teacher, but now NO. It's like, whenever I ask/bring something up, she shoots me down. Yet I have to take it in because she is grading me.

Furthermore, my MSA presentation is in exactly 2 weeks and she will be grading me for it. Wonder what kind of questions she's gonna be shooting me then. Particularly with the presence of another facilitator around.

Oh god, I particularly hate facilitators who randomly give breaks at different timings than how it would actually be planned. THAT WHAT SHE DID. Okay, for 9:15am lessons, breaks are supposed to be at 10:15am-11am. She gave the break at 10:15 and told us to report back at 10:45am. Of course, i'm so NOT obligated to. Previous week she gave us the break at 9:40am-10:30am or something can't really remember but it was absurdly early. So i politely asked her if she could extend the break till 10:50am. She gave me the "r u stupid" look and told me to buy the food back up to class if I wanted to eat it. Like, helloooo??? I can so come back anytime I want and I don't even have to tell you, not like you can do anything except to downgrade me. What a bitch. Okay, next.

I was presenting the slides for my group, the slides weren't even done by me, but I presented them anyway as it was my turn. She totally shot it down and said that it was redundant. Okay, I shouldn't take it personally at all, like, she's supposed to give her inputs anyway and it wasn't even my slide, but still I feel so personally attacked and insulted. Ugh.

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