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Where'em sunshine?
Wednesday 14 June 2017 | 12:30 am | 0 comments
"A flower cannot blossom without sunshine"tumblr_meamqpr0HB1rgpyeqo1_500.png
I feel like i'm surrounded by a lot of negativity in my life. What I really want is good vibes.  Feeling happy, lighthearted, carefree and cheery.

All along, I thought of myself as a dark person. A person who would rather take evil > good, as cliche as that sounds. Always more drawn towards that side in fact. (BUT, I'M AFRAID OF GHOSTS).

Ghosts aside, the dark is somehow magical. It's mysterious, captivating, When you watch shows or read books, they're glorified and it's extremely cool.

But in all seriousness, it feels really heavy and being cheery and light may feel better. (Not when you need the confidence though, being badass it better).

Recently, all I have been hearing from people around be are complaints about their life, what's going on, rumors, gossips, etc. While I do enjoy listening to juicy gossip, there are times whereby I don't want to get involved in it at all and simply lead my life and mine alone instead of getting caught up with someone else's. Moments such as now. Too much on my plate to handle all these.

Oh and I signed my internship contract today! Yayerz so excited!! Kinda wish I have someone to share that excitement with. It's times like this I wish I had a sibling to share my joys and woes with. Dogs are great but they can't converse in a way we understand coherently anyway.

SIDE NOTE: I've been wanting to eat ramen for days!! But my meals somehow always get settled or I have training that day so I can't eat it ): I have NAPFA tomorrow at 4:30pm so I can't have ramen for lunch. SIGH #firstworldproblems

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